Tuesday 12 January 2016

Tom Verco textual analysis of The Usual Suspects.

The camerawork, mise en scene, editing and sound constructs a good visual style of a thriller. 

The camerawork-  it never shows his face this is shown through the use of camera angles and movement. The camera never pans above the characters neck. The camera shot for the other character is always a close up of him as he had broken his legs there is no need to show the rest of him.

Mise en scene - Mise en scene is a main part in any film in this particular opening the Mise en scene is used really well as it shows the audience what the characters are like without even needing to know them. the character we can't see is wearing a long black coat an all black suit and an fedora hat. This symbolises the character of being evil. The lighting throughout the scene is dark and bold and makes the scene look as if something is about to happen.

Editing - The editing is used to construct a good visual style as it builds up to fast paced editing. because of this fast paced editing it build suspense to the moment when the character gets shot. The editing is then used in a really good way as when the character get shot you don't actually see him get shot the camera changes to different parts of the boat, that is a fast paced editing moment.

Sound - the sound is used to construct a good visual style as up until the gun shot the music builds up to the moment where the character gets shot. after the gun shot the music starts to kick in and becomes really intense to the moment where the explosion happens. The sound is also good as the gun shot is heard but not seen.


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