Friday 15 January 2016

Tom - Kill list


Mise en scene

The Mise en scene throughout kill list builds up to tension and suspense. the opening of the scene leaves the audience wondering what has happened and why it has happened. The lighting is bright but not to colourfull as it symbolizes that they are a poor family in need of money. The characters seem worried about something we know this becasue of their facial expressions at the very beginning of the scene we also know that some money has been stolen from them. They are dressed causal like you would in a house. 


The editing throughout the opening is consistent it doesn't really change unless there is tension between the two protagonists, for example when they stared arguing at the very beginning of the opening the pace was fast and when it settled down it got slow again. Also sometimes when they were arguing there was no cuts at all there was sometime pans. There was also a good use of background music. 

The camera following the male protagonist


The sound in the opening was very consistent. There is a part in the opening where after the argument there is some background music which makes the opening more tense as they have just had an argument that made is tense and the music build up more tension. Apart from a bit of non-dietetic sound there isn't much more as the scene works really well without music becasue from the very beginning the audience knows what is going on and can build on that. 


The camerawork throughout the opening again is very consistent as the camera is mainly the same shot the whole way through. At the beginning there is a medium shot of the male protagonist through the door, it then follows him as if you were in the room with him. There is then a shot of the woman protagonist looking at her self in the window this gives the effect of her maybe trying to work out what she needs to do to sort things out. After the scene with the background music the camerawork is pretty much the same. There is a scene where they have another argument the camera then closes up on the protagonist face. By doing this you can see clearly what their facial expressions are and see how they are felling.           

The male protagonist behind the door.

1 comment:

  1. needs more detailed analysis and screen grabs Tom
    Level 2
