Friday 15 January 2016

The Phone Booth


The mise-en-scene of the 'Phone Booth' helps to create a lot of mystery and some tension throughout the opening. It does this by not giving too much away about the plot and by only giving you information about the location and about phones, and one phone booth in particular, because it specifically mentions one phone booth this makes the audience question why it is talking about this one phone booth and what is so special about it, this then creates an enigma around the phone booth, this enigma in turn creates a little bit of tension as it makes the viewer feel unsure about how they
feel about the phone booth. As well as this the opening shows us that the film is set in New york and shows the constant flow of different people, it then shows us the protagonist of the plot and he is dressed very well and on his phone, this tells the viewer that he is most likely a businessman with a lot of money as a phone in that time period was a luxury. as well as all this both his facial and body expressions were that of someone very confident showing us that he is most likely very successful,  because confidence typically comes from success. In summary the mise-en-scene leaves the viewers with a lot of un answered questions which in turn creates a slight bit of tension. 

The camera work throughout the 'Phone Booth' plays a key part in revealing who and what the plots protagonist looks like as well as giving us information as to where the story is set and as to what its about. There are a lot of medium long shots and long shots  throughout the opening to show the audience all the people walking on there phones  and not paying attention to the world around them, this is portrayed by the many shots of street performers doing amazing things followed by people walking past them on there phones showing that the mobile phone is consuming the people of
New York, this is really emphasized when the collages of close ups of people on there phones covers the screen, reinforcing the idea of mobile phones consuming the people of New York. As well as this the audience are shown the story's protagonist from a medium long shot so that they can see his clothes and expressions, this allows them to see his social class and a little bit of his mood/personality based off of his expressions. 

The editing throughout the phone booth is very slow and this allows the viewer to spend time understanding the message that the opening is trying to get across of people spending too much time on there mobile phones and not enough in the real world. As well as it allowing the audience to understand this it gives them enough time think about the things they dont know like why it focuses so much
on one phone booth, enigma then causes tension for the viewer as they feel like they should be able to understand it like they understood the message of mobile phones and this lack of understanding creates tension as they really aren't sure what to expect.

The Phone Booth starts out with diegetic sound of some street performers signing about telephones, this sets the tone for the story being about phones and encourages the viewer to pay attention to the phones in the scene. As well as this after the singing stops a non-diegetic voice over comes in and talks about phone statistics and how many phone users there are in the world this again reinforces the idea of the film being about the over use of mobile phones, as well as this the voice over talks about the phone booth directly and this again creates an enigma as to what importance the phone booth has on the story. 

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