Friday 15 January 2016

Tom - Kill Bill

Kill Bill

Mise en scene 

Mise en scene throughout the opening scene Kill Bill builds suspense, mystery and tension which is key within thrillers. The lighitng/colour in this scene is key because of the type of thriller that it is. in this particular scene it is in black and white and this gives a certain affect for the audience who are watching it for example because its in black and white is builds so much tension. The protagonist who in this certain scene is covered in blood and seems to be in a wedding dress, because it is in black and white makes us wonder if it is a flashback or it happens later on in the future. Not only can we tell that she is frightened from the blood but her body language and facial expressions tells us that she is frigtened. She appears to be lying on a wooden floor which suggest that maybe she was beaten to the edge of death.
Start of the sequence.


The editing throughout the whole opening is slow paced, this is probably because they want the audience to see everything that is happening. Also becasue there is no chase and the protagonist is lying on the floor unable to do anything the slow paced editing adds the the effect. There is a point in the opening where it doesn't cut for a while this is becasue they want the audience to capture everything that is happening on the screen at that very moment. The editing doesn't change from that moment for a while until Bill shots her then it goes to the title screen. After the title screen we have a fade in we see a figure lying down on what seems to be a bed, we then have a fade out to black.
The woman Gets shot

The sound in the opening scene is very restricted. At the beginning you hear someone breathing really heavily then we find out that it is a woman who is breathing heavily. We then hear some footsteps. Apart from the title sequence there is no background music at all, this is becasue they didn't need background music for this scene as it is already built tension and suspense with the heavy breathing and footsteps. Before the opening titles we have some dialogue form both characters.


The camerawork is very important in this opening scene becasue there are very few camera shots/movements that happen. The opening starts with a close up of the woman's face covered in blood with some of the background and costume in the same frame. We also see her facial expressions before we get to the shot of Bill we see the woman looking at something before we find out what it is.  The next shot we find out what the woman was looking at because it is the shot of Bills feet walking across the floor. The camera never goes above Bills feet, this is probably because they don't want you to know who Bill is. After the title sequence we have a medium shot of a body lying on a bed we assume that this is Bill.  


Shot of Bills feet
A figure lying down







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