Friday 15 January 2016

Jordan's Mad Max: Fury Road Textual Analysis

Mise en Scene 
In the opening scene for Mad Max we see nearer to the end of it that Mise en Scene is used when we are shown his dead family and the make up here shows a that the film is a thriller because the make up makes his family look like that have been slaughtered andthey are clearly not in a good place leaving the audience to feel discomfort. In the first minute of the opening we are shown a single character, Max, alone in a vast space of nothing but desert and sand, this really makes us as an audience feel empty too and as if we are alone with Max. Also the desert has a warm bright reflection coming off of it from the sun which could show that it is a very harsh environment to live in and gives off a sense off danger.

The editing throughout the whole of this opening is all very fast paced and leaves you on the edge of your seat a lot, especially  when Max is shown to be running through a corridor at a high speed when after every door he runs through it does a quick cut to an image of one of his family members, and is all very high paced with only straight cuts to keep building intensity. When Max is talking at the beginning we are shown why the world has collapsed like it has and why the world has turned into a savage one with no rules, the audience are shown flashes of horrible clips of slaughter, lack of fuel and wars all at a high paced blur.
The non- diegetic sound of the drums in the background give the scene a constant building intensity and leaves us expecting something to happen with the crescendo of drums we can hear. Also to show that Max's daughter is dead when we hear her, her voice echoes in Max's head as if he is being haunted by the thought of the loss he faced years ago, making us feel sorry for Max

The camera techniques used give off the feeling of a Thriller by having a lot of zooms into Max's face so you get given whos perspective it is, and you get to see that Max is in a lower place then everyone and that he is in a place of danger when his daughter is looking down at him and we get a birds eye view of Max in a hole which could show he's in danger.

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