Friday 15 January 2016

Tom Verco - Bourne Ultimatum

Mise en scene.

Mise en scene is used in this opening to create tension as the protagonist is seen running away from something that we later find out that it is the police that he is running from. The protagonist is clearly hurt this is shown through the use of him body language, he is seen limping as he is trying to escape this builds up tension for the audience as he is obviously injured, he also looks over his shoulder a number of times. His facial expression suggests to us that he is afraid of something that he has done in that past that we don't find out until later on in the opening. He is wearing a long black coat black jeans and shoes. This shows us that he is trying to stay hidden and doesn't want to be seen. 


The Editing in the opening scene is used in loads of different ways this helps to create suspense and tension. one of the ways it does this is with fast paced cuts it doesn't leave the audience looking at one part to long. the use of fast paced cuts shows the audience that the protagonist is in a rush to get somewhere. The protagonist has a number of flash backs the editing is this is used really as they are really slow paced so the audience can see whats going on. As the scene gets to the end the editing becomes really slow paced to show the protagonist frame of mind.



The sound also helps to build tension is the scene, at the very beginning of the scene the sound kicks in straight away with fast paced music this builds tension and suspense for the audience. The background music goes on all the way through the scene. As the protagonist is outside at the start you can hear all different types of sounds. 7 seconds into the clip you hear sirens this tells us that he is running away from the police. when the protagonist gets into the pharmacy the music changes it gets even more fast paced but quieter this is because he is rushing to try and gets something done, when this is happening it is putting the audience on the edge of their seats as the police is after him and he is trying to heel him self. 


The camerawork is also used to create tension and suspension. The scene starts with a close up of the protagonists feet as he is clearly running from something. Throughout the scene there are a lot of close ups on the protagonist. When the protagonist is running the camera shakes with him to get the audience to fell as if they are there with him. There are close ups of the protagonists facial expressions to show his worry. every time he looks over his shoulder there is always a close up of his facial expression and body language.     

1 comment:

  1. When you conduct analysis Tom, it is more effective to do it by svcene as opposed to 4 paragraphs on each element of Textual analysis. All 4 elements a re always working together to create meaning.

    You also need to discuss the narrative structure.

    Overall L2.
