Friday 15 January 2016

Tom - Face Off

Face Off

Mise en scene

The Mise en scene throughout the opening builds suspense and tension. The lighting/colour again is black and white for a short time which by itself builds suspense. there two protagonists that we see one with a child on a fairground ride and one which has a sniper pointed at the other protagonist this alone builds suspense. The opening scene is set at a fair ground which makes the audience fell as if nothing would happen at place like that. The man with the snipers facial expression looks like he doesn't want to do what ever he is going to do. Their costumes are smart casual top and shirt with jeans. There is a point after he gets shot where you see the balloons that the chiol;d was holding fload away this could symbolize  that the child has been shot to.


The editing is slow paced slow cuts which builds suspense for the audience as they can take in what happening. There are some cuts where the sniper is focused on the man on the fairground ride this foreshadows something later on to happen to them. The editing after that first focus the cut start to get even slower as it builds up to the moment where he shots the man on the ride. while the opening scene is going on some titles of actors are coming on the screen. When the man on the ride gets shot the pace turn into slow motion giving the effect that something really bad has happened. it then cuts to him lying in the floor in pain. 


The sound throughout the opening is the same. The background music is really happy and cheerful and makes the audience fell as tho nothing bad is going to happen. There is also sounds of children in the background this could mean that it is a good environment for children that again nothing bad would happen. you then hear the sound of the sniper and the bullet interact with the man on the ride. 


The camerawork throughout the scene is mainly the same it starts with medium shots of the characters and a o. After the title screen it has a close up of the sniper sipping on a drink maybe to show that he might need to calm him self down before he does what he is going to do. There is then a close up of the sniper. After this there is a close up of the snipers facial expression after he has looked through the sniper, he has a surprised look on his face. After the man gets shot there is a zoom of blood on the horse this suggest to the audience that the bullet went straight through the man and killed his child who he was hugging at the time. After that it zoomed in on loads of different horses on the ride. 

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