Monday 11 April 2016

Tom Verco - Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think we would have a large distribution company distribute our product and they would create adverts to get our audience interested and therefore making more people go see it at the cinema. The film would first be shown at the cinema and be shown for as long as possible to maximise the amount of sales and get as mush people off the edge of their seats as possible.

it would then be sold as DVD's and Blurays soft and hard covers, as well as being sold to online distributers such as Amazon prime and Netflix. These companies would pay the distributers and the makers to have their films on their sites.

After a year or few years of the film being released it would then air on Television broadcasters such as ITV and BBC and at some point hopefully be put onto Sky Movies. This could increase sales therefore making more money for the distributers and makers of the film.    

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