Monday 11 April 2016

Jordan Spencer Question 5

We attracted/ addressed our audience which is men aged 15+ to about 25, by having a supernatural thriller which can add a lot of suspense. because its supernatural I think that adds an unrealistic features which would push away the older audience as they could be looking for something more realistic, however I feel this would attract the younger audience as they don't really mind what the story is or how its told just as long as its exciting and they can be put into the feel of the characters and ride along with the thriller feeling.

We also made the film very suspenseful with the background music and slow pace of the main character Carl; I feel like this was successful because the men will be wanting to feel excited with the film. The slow pace of the opening makes it feel like its building up to something and that will pull the audience in and hopefully excite them to get them pulled into the film and keep them on the edge of their seat. so we attracted the younger male audiences with a feel of suspense and danger which would get them excited and get their adrenenalane running.

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