Sunday 10 April 2016

Jordan Spencer Question 2

Our media product (Dream State) our short thriller opening can represent multiple social groups, for example the main character, Carl is a character who is quite particular i see him as a formal adult who does good but can be stern at the same time, however being that he is a policeman he always does right and must be brave, and i think that this is represented through Mise en scene because he wears a shirt and smart trousers, he has smart hair and lives in a nice house, so this kind of character or social group is represented in a friendly, kind way. When it comes to camera techniques he is represented in a way that is quite friendly as there aren't many close ups and are all mid shots which isn't intimidating or seen as threatening to the audience or viewer, this is the same with the pace of the editing because the cuts are quite slow with easy to watch footage, and also the background music is slow and it also brings you to his side a little bit because you feel the build up as he does so it puts you in his shoes and makes you like him.

However the other character 'Victor' could actually be seen as the opposite as Carl, this is because Victor is represented completely different to him. Victor is a man who seeks revenge for what Carl did to his dad, so driven by that i think that he fits in quite a badly represented social group of druggies and criminals, and threatening people, such as Victor, he is shown this way through miss en scene because he wears a hood and talks with a southern London accent, he also looks like he has been in a fight with dirty clothes and a rough looking face. also when Victor comes into the film the first thing he does is put a hood over Carl and kidnaps him, which instantly makes the audience believe that he is a bad guy, and after that all his scenes are quite fast paced when it comes to editing and there is a lot of close ups on him which can be seen as quite intimidating to the viewer so its obvious that he is stereotypically the bad guy.

Power and status also comes into play because you could say that between the two characters Carl and Victor one, socially is more powerful because Carl is socially expectable because he's polite and well mannered and a kind person who people would like, while people like Victor may be looked down up with a lower class and bad morals people could disagree on the way they act so i think that Carl would have more power and a higher status which is clearly shown to the viewers.

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