Monday 11 April 2016

Evaluation Q3 Samuel Storey Evans

Evaluation Q3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We would have our media product distributed by a large distribution company which would first advertise our film to get the public's interest and to entice the most amount of people to go and watch it in the cinema. 

The film would first start out in the cinema's, it would be shown for as long as possible to maximize sales and to improve the viewing experience of the film for as many audience members as possible. The film would then be distributed through hardcovers such as Dvd's/Blu-ray discs, as well as being sold to online distributors such as Netflix/Now-Tv, these companies would pay the distributors and makers of the film to have the film on there sites to be shared with all of there members this would make the film extra money, on top of the money the film would make through DVD sales, the distributors do this to maximize the money in which the film makes.

After about a year the distributors would release the film to be used by Television broadcasters, such as ITV, and Channel 4, the distributors do this because the film is no longer selling many copies and so they dont lose money from allowing broadcasters to show there film, in fact it could increase sales as there could be people who haven't seen the film yet that get an interest for it after watching it on tv and so buy a copy making the distributors and the creators of the film more money. 

In conclusion the distributors job is to market the film and get public interest, they also release it on formats at specific times to maximize the profit the film makes over the course of its life. 

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