Monday 11 April 2016

Tom Verco - Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product? 

The audience for our opening Dream State would be 15 year olds and upward mainly because the plot might be confusing and a bit complex for younger viewers. 

We decided to make our target audience 15 and upwards because ages 15 and upwards enjoy thriller films and action, therefore making Dream State perfect for teens. Also because the film has a plot which is complex it is enjoyable for adults and also older generation and they would enjoy this. 

we didn't want to make our film boring as teens have a lot of opinions when it comes to rating films. We didn't want to make it to complex but we didn't want to make it boring therefore having the right amount of action and suspense would keep the audience on their feet and hopefully not fall asleep. 

We didn't want to go for a younger audience as they wouldn't really understand what is going on because of the complex and hard to understand plot therefore not knowing what is going on and losing focus, and they would get board and ruin it for other viewers.  it is also hard to make a thriller without violence and a bit of graphic scenes. Also the film would be boring for older viewers as they would work it out straight away and would not be entertained. 

Tom Verco - Question 5

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

We attracted our audience through the use of camera work and crated an complex but understandable plot. We also made our piece flow and go from one scene to the next. This is good for the our older audience as they would like the quality of the film as well as the plot of it. Also by creating a lot of suspense throughout the opening it will get our target audience engaged. We tried to keep to the convention of a thriller and not go into the conventions of a comedy. To help us we asked a few people which story they thought would keep their eyes fixed on the screen and not make them want to fall asleep. Hopefully with good actors, camera work and editing it would make the opening a whole lot better to watch. The background music also helped us to create suspense for our audience as it builds and it will make the audience wonders what's going to happen next. Also through the uses of camera angles, acting and editing hopefully it will make the audience feel as if they are there.

Our audience can relate to our main character which helps them get more attached to the character and the story as things like this do happen in reality.

Tom Verco - Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think we would have a large distribution company distribute our product and they would create adverts to get our audience interested and therefore making more people go see it at the cinema. The film would first be shown at the cinema and be shown for as long as possible to maximise the amount of sales and get as mush people off the edge of their seats as possible.

it would then be sold as DVD's and Blurays soft and hard covers, as well as being sold to online distributers such as Amazon prime and Netflix. These companies would pay the distributers and the makers to have their films on their sites.

After a year or few years of the film being released it would then air on Television broadcasters such as ITV and BBC and at some point hopefully be put onto Sky Movies. This could increase sales therefore making more money for the distributers and makers of the film.    

Tom Verco - Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We have 3 characters in our opening. The protagonist Carl he is portrayed as a high class working man. This is shown through the way that he dresses and the house that he lives in. The way he dresses shows he is a working class man as he is wearing leather shoes, black jeans and a smart shirt and this is typically what working class men ware. His wealth is also shown by his house as you would expect a working class man to live in a house like he does. Throughout the opening there are not really any close ups of Carl this is because he is not an aggressive person and that's what audiences think when close ups occur so we didn't want the audience to think that if an close up did occur. 

Carl is portrayed as a kind and brave person this is shown when he returns the package to its owner, and he is brave when he gets kidnapped even though he might be shaken up he is still keeping a brave face on and not showing any fear toward the other 2 characters. Bravery and kindness is something that you would expect from a character like carl as he is a police officer. We wanted to portray Carl like a stereotypical police officer to give that felling of suspense as he might have enemies because of who he is. 

The other two character are our antagonist and theses characters are portrayed as lower class people and criminals as they are wearing hoodies and hoodies and stereotypically warn by criminals. This then gives the audience the idea that they are criminals and then it is later on proven that they are by what they do to Carl. They are represented through mise en scene and the camera work. You only see the antagonist with a close up and this shows that they are aggressive people. Also the room is dark to show that the characters come from a dark background, this gives the audience and idea on what sort of people they are. 

Evaluation Q3 Samuel Storey Evans

Evaluation Q3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We would have our media product distributed by a large distribution company which would first advertise our film to get the public's interest and to entice the most amount of people to go and watch it in the cinema. 

The film would first start out in the cinema's, it would be shown for as long as possible to maximize sales and to improve the viewing experience of the film for as many audience members as possible. The film would then be distributed through hardcovers such as Dvd's/Blu-ray discs, as well as being sold to online distributors such as Netflix/Now-Tv, these companies would pay the distributors and makers of the film to have the film on there sites to be shared with all of there members this would make the film extra money, on top of the money the film would make through DVD sales, the distributors do this to maximize the money in which the film makes.

After about a year the distributors would release the film to be used by Television broadcasters, such as ITV, and Channel 4, the distributors do this because the film is no longer selling many copies and so they dont lose money from allowing broadcasters to show there film, in fact it could increase sales as there could be people who haven't seen the film yet that get an interest for it after watching it on tv and so buy a copy making the distributors and the creators of the film more money. 

In conclusion the distributors job is to market the film and get public interest, they also release it on formats at specific times to maximize the profit the film makes over the course of its life. 

Jordan Spencer Question 4

The target audience for our film 'Dream State' would be, in my eyes, teenage boys, this is because I think that teenage boys or maybe even men in there 20s would be looking for something exciting to watch with a lot of suspense to keep them on edge as appose to something like a romance where they wouldn't feel the same adrenaline rush that they would from a thriller film where they are put on edge with the character. However I think that it could also appeal to women as well of the same age if there was a group of girls because I think they could all go to see a thriller together but I don't think that they would feel the same intensity that a male would while watching the film, this is because men enjoy the intensity and feel of the film so could look for it and really get into it.

Jordan Spencer Question 5

We attracted/ addressed our audience which is men aged 15+ to about 25, by having a supernatural thriller which can add a lot of suspense. because its supernatural I think that adds an unrealistic features which would push away the older audience as they could be looking for something more realistic, however I feel this would attract the younger audience as they don't really mind what the story is or how its told just as long as its exciting and they can be put into the feel of the characters and ride along with the thriller feeling.

We also made the film very suspenseful with the background music and slow pace of the main character Carl; I feel like this was successful because the men will be wanting to feel excited with the film. The slow pace of the opening makes it feel like its building up to something and that will pull the audience in and hopefully excite them to get them pulled into the film and keep them on the edge of their seat. so we attracted the younger male audiences with a feel of suspense and danger which would get them excited and get their adrenenalane running.