Thursday 24 March 2016

Tom Verco Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of  real  media products?

In our media product we tried to use as much forms and conventions as possible. We used different camera techniques to create a felling of suspense and mystery for the audience, for example we used a range of different angles, shots and establishing shots. This created suspense as the establishing shot was a shot of an abandoned house. At the very beginning of our product we have a close up of our protagonist sleeping to then be woken by a knock at the door and this foreshadows something later on to happen. For the scene where our protagonist was sleeping we used low key lighting. 

in order to build tension throughout our thriller opening we researched a lot of thriller openings in order to get a good idea on what works well and what wouldn't work as well. We got moat of our ideas from the inception and mad max openings.

In our product we haven't got much dialogue until the end scene when our protagonist gets captured, this is because we wanted to build tension and suspense till the end. 

in the Inception opening the use of camera techniques the the uses of not much dialogue is what we tried to use to build tension throughout the opening, i like how in inception they use a lot of close ups so the audience can see how the character is felling and that is what we tried to incorporate into our opening. This also gets the audience to focus on one key moment and this is what we did with ours when our protagonist is waking up in bed.    


1 comment:

  1. Not very much here Tom - L2-Basic. Would just pass.
    You can improve this.
    Screen grabs from your research.
    Return to your booklet and lesson notes - you haven't addressed many of the conventions.
