Friday 4 March 2016

Fast & Furious 7 Title sequence

Fast & Furious 7

The Fast & Furious 7 opening sequence starts out with a black screen, followed by the names of production companies, during this time there is non-diegetic eletronic music which crescendos until the first shot of the movie appears. The first shot is an establishing shot of London and it goes from it being a black screen to the establishing shot very abruptly the music also stops abruptly, this creates tension and suspense as the viewer isn't sure about what to expect next. 

The next sequence is an action sequence of the movies antagonist who is shown to be walking out of a destroyed hospital, and during this sequence there are names of actors popping up at the bottom of the screen as to not draw attention away from the intense scene going, this whole sequence is very tense and mysterious as the viewer isn't really sure about whats going on and the that enigma builds tension and suspense amongst the audience. there is then a smooth cut between a shot of the antagonist driving away into a shot of the protagonist driving away, the non-diegetic music then changes and starts to become more up beat to start to ease the tension and calm the viewers down. There are then a couple shots of the car driving and in the dead space of the shot there are names of cast members, this is good timing as it is relating these cast members with the positive character showing that the actors shown most likely pay protagonists of some kind.

There is then a long shot from the side showing the car drive past at high speed behind the car spawns the movie title, the title has a very metallic look to link back to the idea of cars. The film name 'Fast & Furious 7' is good as it tells the audience that the film is about 'fast' cars and shows that it features danger, and anger, this is shown through the use of the word 'Furious'.This is all reinforced by the prominent use of fast cars in the footage we as an audience have seen and through the use of danger shown in the antagonists behavior. 

In conclusion Fast & Furious 7 uses a juxtaposition between two characters create uncertainty amognst the audience and then showcases the film title to hint to the audience that the film will be about these two juxtaposing characters.

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