Thursday 24 March 2016

Jordan Spencer's evaluation Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product, Dream State, our film opening develops conventions of real media products like other horror film by working on the theme of suspense in he opening. for example we used to idea of suspense in our horror piece by having music in the background to help build up tension and suspense, the crescendo music built up throughout the first half of the piece and then when it was getting closer to the part when Toms character gets kidnapped the music gets a lot faster and then comes to a stop and this makes the audience or viewer feel on edge because the beat of the music may pull them in and get them to feel like they're part of it. So, if i was to put our horror film against another like Mad Max: Fury Road, then you could say that we developed the convention of suspense because Mad Max's opening also includes the music build up too.

Another convention that i think we challenged was the use of enigma and mystery this is because there wasn't a lot that followed through the film other then the parcel and the idea that the audience don't know what it is or who it belongs to but other then that we didn't really include it or make the enigma a huge part of our opening and we focused more on the idea of suspense and being in the edge throughout the film, however a lot of thriller film openings do include enigma, like '10 Cloverfield Lane' for example, this has a lot of enigma because it starts off with the world ending and actually plays with the idea of mystery throughout the whole film as you wonder who in Hank and why is he keeping them in this bunker. so i think this is how we challenged the conventions of a thriller as we didn't really use much enigma like most do.

1 comment:

  1. Far too short Jordan. This isn't sufficient to pass.
    You need to read your guidance notes - they are on moodle.
    If you don't improve on these posts, you risk losing 2 to 3 grades - a shame when your product is clearly so good. Please put in the hours - you only get one chance at this.
