Thursday 24 March 2016

Evaluation Q7 Samuel Storey Evans

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

We have progressed massively since the prelim task in all fields/aspects of media. For example our ability to frame shots has improved considerably, we now know to follow key conventions of framing a shot, such as following the Rule Of Thirds. These conventions are key to making the work look professional and to ensure that the opening flows nicely and comfortably on the audiences eyes. 

Here are screenshots of the prelim task framing vs the final task's framing.

Prelim Framing

Final Task Framing

These screenshots clearly show both the increased ability to frame a shot competently, and the increased ability to find interesting locations to shoot in, so to hold the viewers attention. This is therefore proof of both better camera work in our final task compared to the prelim, and better mise-en-scene in that we spent more time thinking about the atmosphere we wanted to create, and picked locations and props that suited that atmosphere (mise-en-scene) in order to achieve making it were as in our prelim task we didn't do any of that we just shot in the most convenient location with the most convenient props.

Another way in which we have improved our film-making abilities since the prelim task is by improving our ability to capture and find good sound, and  by improving our abilities in the editing suite.

The sound quality within the final task is much better than the quality of the sound in the prelim, this is because we had a much better understanding of how to use the equitment this time around and so the sound quality was much higher and so helped to improve the quality of the video 10 fold. As well as this we managed to find much better sound effects and non-diegetic music to play in the background to fill silences. We improved so much as we were not happy with the sound quality in the prelim task and so researched how to use the sound equitment before hand to help improve the final outcome.

We improved our skills within the editing suite for the final task as we were not happy with the way the prelim flowed due to our poor editing skills, however we refined our editing skills to improve the flow and continuity of the final task, which in turn lead to an improved final video, as well as this the improved skills allowed us to free up time to make a much better and more professional title sequence, which with research we learned is a very important part of an opening to a thriller film, and so helped to boost the
overall Mise-en-scene of the opening as well as looking more professional.

In conclusion we have improved our film making skills massively since the preliminary task, We have improved in all fields of film making in order to boost/improve every aspect of our final task, we did this by researching other thriller films, and analysing what it was that made the top thriller films better than ours, and improving those areas, as well as this we spent a lot of time researching key technical techniques. 

1 comment:

  1. You discuss too generally. We improved our editing .... : You need to provide examples to how your main task showed this improvement and how the prelim did not. Examples , examples.
    You can't get into L3 without examples.

    Therefore still L2.
